Honoring a Hero: Rick Mantei's Tribute to Phillip Reams at the SC Air National Guard Swampfoxes' Quarterly Luncheon

Rick Mantei, lead a tribute at the quarterly luncheon for the South Carolina Air National Guard Swampfoxes.
Phillip Reams, 98 years old and a distinguished member of the Greatest Generation, served our nation with unwavering dedication during World War II. Reams was a tail gunner on Avenger dive-bombers during the war. His commitment to duty, honor, and integrity has left an indelible mark on our history. As a true hero and an inspiration to generations, Reams exemplifies the values of service, excellence, and a commitment to securing a brighter future.
The South Carolina Air National Guard Swampfoxes’ quarterly luncheon provided a platform to recognize Reams’ contributions and to express gratitude for his service. Rick presented a special tribute to Reams, highlighting his exceptional journey and the qualities that make him a source of inspiration for the community.